12 new chapters, 365 new chances!

Heyyyy Dreamers!!! How's it goin' in Dreamland? We were in 2020 in the last post and we are in 2021 in this post!! Like (OMG!) 2020 is finally over and we have another new beginning now. We are a lil apprehensive yet soo excited for this year. We love fresh starts! In this post we are going to pen down our new year resolutions and talk about the new year (we know, it sounds cliché lol). Lessgo!!

A WHOLE NEW YEAR. As 2020 has taught us, we now know that, ANYTHING can happen. The options are endless. But that's not the only thing that's endless. The opportunities and chances and changes are ENDLESS, too. Take chances this year. Be open to change. Face your fears. Be a better version of yourself this year.  

Here are all the things we plan on changing in our lives for being a better version of ourselves!

I don't really have a lot of expectations this year 'cause I've already been betrayed by my expectations last year (:/). I stepped into 2021 with sheer hope that everything will get better. 

1) Exercise more: If I didn't go through 2020, I would've never known the importance of exercise.
2) Read more books
3) Make self-care my first priority
4) Stop worrying about the past and focus more on the present 
5) Stop procrastinating
6) Take proper care of my skin
7) Try to get out of my comfort zone
8) Spread positivity
9) Avoid negative people (This sounds so ironic during these times)
10) Be more kind to people

Unlike most people, I like the term "resolution". Some people think that the term "resolution" is a little demotivating (like Sadie Aldis says in her 2021 guide video). Well, I respect their opinion, but for me it's just the right amount of motivating. The term feels like it's giving me another chance at something, and that new chance gives me new hope! Anyway, here are my resolutions!

1) STOP procrastinating - Gods, I procrastinate A LOT! Every single hard thing, I procrastinate. That's why it's my top priority this year. 
2) Try and ACTUALLY concentrate in class - Okay, I don't really pay a lot of attention in online classes. I always figure "I don't need to listen, I can always just read the lesson all by myself" and then after class I don't read. This always happens and it's about time it changes. 
3) Workout everyday - I do workout now, but not everyday. There are some days where I just procrastinate a lot while doing homework that I don't have time to workout. And I just let it pass. Well, this shall not pass anymore. I'll start working out everyday from now on (and yes, it does include my weekends. It's pretty fun!)
4) LISTEN to what the other person has to say - I hate to admit it, but I don't listen to people who are opposing me. My ego's too high. I kinda have this ridiculous principle fixed in my brain, I'm ALWAYS right. But now I realize that I need to listen to the other person. To grow. And flourish. 
5) Meditate everyday - The past year, I realized how important it is to take a pause and do nothing. It'll help me, for the better. 
6) Do at least 1 Law Of Attraction exercise everyday - I've just been too lazy to, okay? I'll be changing that from this year on. 
7) Try something new everyday - When I look back at 2020, I see that I was doing the same things most days I was at home. Where's the excitement in that? I want to bring the excitement of life back into mine! That's why I'm planning on doing this! I'm excited!

That's all for this post guys! Hope you liked it! Don't forget to comment down below your new year's resolutions. Btw, make sure to follow our blog by clicking the 'follow' icon present in the sidebar. See y'all later! 
A new adventure begins so brace yourselves,
Pranavaa and Sunethra

P.S. We're also a lil scared for a whole new year but at the same time hopeful. And hey, turns out hope is a good thing to have. BELIEVE that this year is gonna turn out great (Don't just expect). 


  1. nice one. Keep going. Hope your plans come out well.

    1. Thanks :)
      Yeah we hope too ;D

    2. Please do check out my new post. =)

  2. Awesomesta girls!!!!
    Hope this year be good!!!=)

  3. ha! FINALLY pranavaa came to the decision that she has to LISTEN!!!! i've been telling that to u for a LOOOOOONG time if u remember!! and sunu i TOTALLY agree on "getting out of the comfort zone" thingy! my dad alwayyysss tell me to get out of there!! lol so i'll try that this year!!!!
    LoVeD tHe PoSt!!!
    Happyyyy new yearr!!!

    1. lol yeah I did!

      Thanks! Happy new year to you too!! x

  4. Omg! Pranavaa !! I was literally stunned when I came to know you watch sadie's videos too!(she makes really good content especially the couple of videos about law of attraction & that guide to 2021 pump me up for 2021). You guys stole my goals for 2021 😁. And I REALLY enjoyed reading this post.


    1. Haha well how can someone not love her?!
      Anyway, thanks!!


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