Why we haven't been posting...

HEY DREAMERS! HOW IS IT GOIN' IN DREAMLAND? Wow! We missed that! Long time, no see? We know :(. So we haven't been posting regularly and we're very much aware of that :(((. And we want y'all to know why we haven't been posting too. You guys deserve to know. 


here's the one main reason:


Yeah. There! We said it! It's been hard coming up with posts but we're still trying our best. 

The second thing, we used to love posting on our blog every week but for a while, we were posting just because WE SHOULD. And it felt like too much work. It was becoming tiring. We got sidetracked and stopped focusing on the most important thing. Our blog and it's content. Not promoting. 

And on top of that, we were creating the posts individually for a while (Pranavaa did on Thursdays and Sunethra on Sundays) and just used the term 'we'. Yes. We did. We're so sorry about that. It wasn't fair on you guys. 

We hated that feeling where we were just sitting in front of our laptop and breaking our heads to come up with something so we took a little break. 

And the bad new doesn't end here :(. The thing is, our exams our coming up and we need to study which means we won't have time to post. 

Okay maybe we will have time but we're just too lazy to post during our exams. It's just too much pressure okay?!


BUT the good news is, we're feeling inspired to post again! You just gotta wait till May :). 


That'll be all for this post guys. Sorry if it was all over the place and really short. We just thought we owed and explanation to you guys. 

We still love you all! Keep Dreaming. X

Till we meet again,

Pranavaa and Sunethra

P.S. As you can see, we are indeed, very far from perfect.


  1. Aw! That’s ok girls! I’m glad u gave us an explanation! Yes we will be missing ur posts but that’s alright! The important thing is u guys should feel motivated and u guys should come up with some kind of content and for that u’ll need some more time and we totally understand that! So it’s no problem! Take your time and good luck on ur exams! 😀

  2. Heyyy Guyys! Its Ok! Will miss your posts!

    P.S. IPL from today! GoCSK! #Yellove!

  3. Heyyy Guyyys! Are your exams over? Waitin' for your posts!

    Love, Amirtha


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