A Dreamer Catch-Up - Pranavaa

Dear Dreamer,

Hey! It's me, Pranavaa. As Sunethra promised yesterday, here I am! I'll be catching you up with what I've been doing this summer and let you in on my thoughts on high school! 

As you probably already know, me and Sunu got done with 8th grade at the end of April and we've been in our Summer holidays since. I did really good in my final exams and I'm proud of myself! It was nerve-wracking at the start but I learnt to trust in myself and just go with it. 

Then came summer. I was really looking forward to my summer break because I came to a point where I wholly DREADED school work, or just any work in general. I just needed a break where I did absolutely nothing. Well, at the same time I wanted to do something like reading, poetry, or doing something creative. You know, stuff that I will enjoy and is good for me. 

Well, turned out, I didn't do ANY of it. Everyday, I would wake up with a mindset to do something productive or even fun, like stuff I love to do, but I would turn out to do nothing the whole day. Even though I would look forward to it and was excited for it; I DIDN'T DO IT. I just didn't. I JUST SAT IN MY COUCH ALL DAY WITH MUSIC PLAYING. I DIDN'T EVEN SING ALONG. I didn't even want to watch Netflix. It was like I did want to do all the fun stuff, but it was either I was lazy to do it or I didn't want to do it because 'What's the point?! Everything is boring, anyway'. 

Don't blame me, blame LOCKDOWN. I dread  E V E R Y T H I N G  about it. I HATE staying at home all day, locked in. There's nothing to look forward to and everything's just dull.  I don't want to do anything at all and now my summer's almost over and I should go into high school (I start Monday).

I know that staying home at this time is better for me and everyone around me and that I'm blessed to be safe during this time. But right now, I'm not feeling that way. I'm just telling you how I'm feeling. I don't want to sugarcoat anything, too. I'm just being honest with you about my feelings. 

Now, let's talk high school. I AM TERRIFIED/EXCITED. It's just, I feel like I'm not ready for high school right now. I definitely don't need any more school work lol. Other than that, it's BRING IT ON, HIGH SCHOOL. 

And now that I'm going into high school, it's just starting to hit me that I'm growing up. Till 8th grade, I was just in my own world dreaming about what my future is going to look like. And now that I'm going into high school, it's hitting me that it's so close (my future). All that dreams need to come true somehow and I need to put in effort all of a sudden, instead of just sitting in my desk and daydreaming. And after ninth grade it's tenth, eleventh, twelfth and before I know it I'll be working and on my own. It's all hitting me and I'm just going to let it come, I guess. 

I guess I should just trust in what's coming and go where life takes me and know that, as Harry Styles once sang, "we'll be alright". 
It's all coming,
P.S. How cute is the pink colored text?! I can't stop obsessing over it lol


  1. Wow! Now I can’t help but notice how open u were with us this time! It’s good! It’s like one of our video calls lolll! Although I may have to disagree with u on one thing, girl how could u hate lockdown I mean it is kinda depressing that people are getting infected everyday but ur safe inside ur house and U.DONT.HAVE.TO.SOCIALISE with anyone! I mean u could do things like drawing, watching netflix, listening to music, watching Netflix again lol!! But I too sometimes hate the lockdown ‘cause I can’t see my friends but it’s ok! We’re all gonna be fiiiine! LoVeD tHiS pOsT!! ♥️

    1. Ik we will :)))
      But not getting to socialize IS. THE. WORST. PART.
      And also emphasis on the 'I don't want to do anything at all' sentence in the 5th paragraph of my post lol

      Anyway, I'm so glad you think so! I wanted to be as honest as possible!
      Thank you so much for reading bestiee!!

    2. No problem bestieee! :) lol

  2. Ritika.G.Shankar12 June 2021 at 12:44

    no post this weeek huh?


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