Wonder and Wander

Hellooooo dreamers!!! How’s it goin’ in dreamland? Today we’re gonna kick-start the segments. This post comes under the segment ‘Wanderlust’. Whoooooo!!! 

In today's post, we’ll be discussing about the kinds of places we love to visit and our views on travelling. So lettttt’s goooooo!!!


I love travelling because it acts as a getaway from my normal life. Now don’t get me wrong, but I personally do NOT like travelling to hill stations and forests full of trees and nature. It’s not my definition of a getaway. Now before you start judging me, there’s a reason for it. Every time I go there, I start getting apprehensive of all the things that might happen (forest fires, car accidents, animal attacks, etc). When I travel to remote places; I feel unprotected, unsafe, defenceless, insecure and vulnerable. I feel so exposed to the place, and I feel as though I can’t protect myself from it... ever. It’s one of my BIGGEST fears.

I love travelling to bustling cities with a large amount of people, skyscrapers, malls, apartments, coffee shops around every corner, and a crazy amount of traffic. This is my definition of a getaway. Now you may ask ‘How are you not apprehensive of all the things that might happen in this city? I mean there are way more bad things that can happen here than in a forest’. Well, I guess it’s because ‘quiet time’ is not exactly my definition of a getaway. I thrive under noisy and crazy situations (this doesn't mean I don't want my share of quiet time. I need my quiet time too people!). And it’s because I feel so protected and secure in these surroundings. It might sound weird but it makes sense to me. I mean, like the reason I’m getting apprehensive in remote areas is because there is no one around there to reassure me. But in the cities, I see all those people around me who don’t give a damn about what’s around them and just go on with their lives. That reassures me. And that’s why I love travelling to bustling and cosmopolitan cities and not remote areas. 



As you guys probably know, I love travelling so much! I am fond of travel because it rejuvenates me, inspires me, helps me be spry and helps me experience adventures! Travelling comforts me and it puts my mind away from being anxious or worried etc. I love travelling to different kinds of places. A place like island, resorts and hill stations makes me relax, be carefree and makes me feel revived. I also adore travelling to buzzing and vibrant places. It makes me be zippy and zappy. And most certainly I love shopping there (Oh yeah, me too!).

And of course I enjoy travelling to exotic, strange places. I love exploring contrasting and divergent people, culture etc. Those memories are precious because you experience something so different. Like experiencing those places and people throws out your shielded views. It can give you a new perspective. It can inspire you because you meet diverse people. People who are vulnerable or enthralling or sad or enthusiastic or influencing etc. If you just learn about them, only if you experience those places, it is complete. So yeah, well you know what I just love travelling to various places in general.

That’s all for today’s post guys. Hope you liked it! And stay tuned for more entrancing content!!!

Wonder and Wander,

Pranavaa and Sunethra

P.S. We both love travelling together!


  1. Yayyyy!! U posted the wanderlust segment first!!! Loved it! Well, I particularly LOVE travelling to hill stations and forests ‘cause it’s just so beautiful and u can’t help but breathe in the fresh, pure air and enjoy the experience. And I take LOADS of photos when I travel. Anyways loved it!! Keep posting! Waiting for more!!! ❤️❤️


  2. Finally, the FIRST segment is heeereeee! I have travelled quite a lot (though I was too young to remember anything), but I would like to go to Greece/Rome one day, because, you know, Greek gods!
    It was really interesting, you know? I like chaotic places more, too. It's mostly because I love hanging out at coffee shops and malls with somebody, and also maybe because I haven't done all that yet!

  3. Wow!! It was nice.... I got to know more about u......

  4. Hey there,
    Nicely expressed thoughts. Luv it!! I particularly like adventures ( maybe cuz am a Sagittarius) but would never tell a no to a quite coffee in cosmopolitan cities. Great work guys! ✌💟

    1. yea! i can totally relate to you 'bout the coffee thing!
      thanks for reading!

  5. Wow! It so good. It is Fun-tastic. Waiting for your next blog....

  6. LUVED IT !! I simply loved your blog. Personally, I am a big fan of travelling to hill stations and the places which have a natury vibe to it. I love being with nature and just relaxing. But the city for me is too crowded and it is just so compact. But all people have different opinions, don't they? Altogether, I loved your blog!! Anxiously waiting for the next one!!
    Love From,

    1. yea, everyone does have a different opinion!
      thanks for reading! glad you enjoyed it!!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


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