Would you rather? (Part-2!!!)

 Heyyy Dreamers! How's it goin' in Dreamland? So here we are on another SUNDAY! Sorry for not posting this Thursday. We were just too lazy (lol). As you've read by the title, we're doing another part of 'Would you rather?'! Btw, we've taken these questions from the internet. Lessgo!!!

Note: The pink colored texts are from Pranavaa's point of view and the grey colored texts are from Sunethra's point of view. 

1) Would you rather be able to read minds or see the future? Yeah, you guessed it! I would rather read minds! Besides, seeing the future might just give me MORE anxiety so, reading minds is the obvious answer here. Oh goddd! Well, I guess I'll go with reading minds. I don't really wanna know what's gonna happen in the future, I'll just wait for it :) 

2) Would you rather be forced to sing along or dance to every single song you hear? SING ALONG!! I mean, yeah I like dancing too but I just cannot stop myself from singing along to songs!  I like to sing and dance but imma gonna choose singing along 'cause I don't think I'll dance to literally every song I hear.

3) Would you rather have universal respect or unlimited power? I'll go with universal respect because unlimited power isn't always a good thing (I learnt that from watching The Umbrella Academy lol). They say 'With great power comes great responsibility' so no! I'll choose universal respect. I feel like every citizen of the WORLD deserves universal respect. 

4) Would you rather eat only desert or only savory? Only savory. As much as I love sweets, I'm pretty sure eating them for as long as I live would make me wanna throw up at the sight of it. I'll miss deserts so much but I don't  really have sweet tooth so I'll choose only savory. 

5) Would you rather swim in a pool of Nutella or a pool full of maple syrup? I'll go with maple syrup. I love Nutella, but a whole pool of it? No, thank you. Nutellaaaaaaa! I'm a biggg fan of Nutella or any chocolate spread.And I'm not really a fan of maple syrup.

6) Would you rather be an extra in an Oscar-winning movie or the lead in a box office bomb? Oh I don't want that 'box office bomb' embarrassment. I'll choose being an extra in an Oscar-winning movie. Getting an Oscar from any position is still getting an Oscar. Yeah me too lol. 

7) Would you rather cuddle a koala or pal around with a panda? No offence pandas, but I find koalas cuter. This is so tough. But I've always found baby pandas sooo cute. So paling around with it would be a dream!

8) Would you rather have a sing-off with Ariana Grande or a dance-off with Rihanna? Dance-off with Rihanna, even though I'll lose REAL BAD lol. I'm pretty sure I can't beat Ari's vocals too lol. I'll love to be on a stage with THE ARIANA GRANDE but I know I'll definitely embarrass myself if I do that so I'll choose a dance-off with Rihanna (I know I'll lose but).  

So that's all for today's post guys! Hope you liked it! Make sure to follow our blog by clicking the 'follow' icon present in the sidebar and if you want to get email notifications every time we post, subscribe to our blog! Love y'all! Bye! X

Still trying our best to post every week,

Pranavaa and Sunethra

P.S. Comment down below what your answers will be for these 'Would you rather' questions. 


  1. Amazing!!!!!!!!!!! =D
    I hope you post on thursday Too this week.
    And don't forget leave a comment for my new post both of you.
    Truly awesome
    With eager,

  2. Ritika.G.Shankar19 March 2021 at 10:24

    No post THIS thursday also? ANyways LOVED it.

  3. Sing -off with Ariana Grande???
    My dream come true!!
    Not really but at least I will get a chance with a singer!!=)
    Pandas and Koalas but very cute but I like Koalas.
    Coz I knew that Pandas are very emotional and I may take that Panda home.
    But they won't allow.
    Loved your blog!!=)
    You heard 'Rain on me' song and 'On the Ground'? It's good.

  4. Waiting for todays post.


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