THIS IS A GREEN MESSAGE! (The planet needs you, please respond)

Heyyy Dreamers! How's it goin' in Dreamland? Today we're gonna talk about a topic that we care so much about. But before we get into that, we have a little note. From here on, we'll only be posting once a week. That's why we didn't post this Sunday. We're sorry about that:(.We'll either post on Thursdays or Sundays; we've not come to a set day yet but we'll update you on that.

Now let's get into the post! We'll be discussing about PROTECTING THE EARTH. We know, a lot might not care about this topic as much as we do, but it's REAL and it's IMPORTANT and it NEEDS to be talked about. 

Being Gen Z in the 21st century, we care about our planet so much and it's devastating to see our beautiful earth dying. It's all the small things we do that's affecting the environment. Now, trust us, "saving the planet" isn't as bizarre as it sounds when we all unite together to do it. Just imagine the impact we would create if every single person on this planet plays their part. 

Why should I even save our planet? Like, is it even dying?

Yes. Matter of fact, yes, it is. There are so many environmental concerns today and here's another fun fact: most of them are caused by the one and only, human race. There's air pollution, water pollution, land pollution, climate change, global warming, deforestation, genetic modification, loss of biodiversity, habitat destruction, ozone layer destruction, natural resource depletion, loss of endangered species and the list only gets longer. As of right now, almost every single activity that we do is affecting our environment directly or indirectly. 

So it's dying. Why should I care?

For starters, you won't have a place to live in. I mean sure, Mars seems good enough to live in; it's not like you can't live without water...or food...or plants...or oxygen *note the sarcasm*. We not only care about the planet because our future is at stake but it's also because the earth is too precious to lose. Look around you, all these beautiful creations and creatures don't deserve that. All they ever did to you was help you survive and this is how you repay it?! You don't deserve to live on this earth if you don't respect it. This planet is dying and you NEED to save it. 

OKay, now that we've got that cleared up, let's get into the 'what i can do to save the planet' part. 

Here are small things that you can do that'll help you heal the earth:

  • SAVE WATER! You can do this by
  1. Taking short showers
  2. Turning off the taps while brushing your teeth and washing your face etc.
  3. Fixing a leak from pipes as soon as possible etc.
  • Try to stop using plastics as much as possible. You can do this by
  1. Using paper or steel straws for plastic straws
  2. Use cloth or paper bags instead of plastic ones
  3. Carry your own reusable water bottle instead of getting plastic bottles all the time.
  4. Replace plastic Tupperware for glass or steel containers.
  • DO NOT litter in public places. Follow proper disposal methods. 
  • DO NOT throw rubbish in water bodies.
  • REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE (this is vital).
  • Plant more trees. 
  • Try reducing your carbon footprint. There are a lot of ways to do this. Search google and you can find some ideas there for starters.
  • Buy sustainable products instead of the ones that harm our environment. 
All the little things you do, DO create an impact. BELIEVE IN IT AND SPREAD THE WORD. 

That's all for the post guys! We thought this was a very vital topic to discuss. Please create awareness among your community or educate people who do not know about this. Make sure to follow our blog by clicking the 'Follow' icon present in our side bar. Thanks for reading! Love you all! X 

We're in this together,
Pranavaa and Sunethra
P.S. This is the only earth we've got. There is no PLANet B. SAVE AND PROTECT!


  1. Heyyy Guyys! LOvEd it! What you're saying is really true. We don't deserve to stay in this planet if we continue to do this. You guys have done a really great job in creating awareness and OF COURSE I respect that. I promise that I will do all the steps possible to keep our earth green!

    Hey, and I have a request!
    Could you guys conduct a Q&A?

    Love, Amirtha

    1. We'll notify you when we conduct one!
      Thanks for reading! :)

  2. Wow! I’m glad u guys made this post! People NEED to know about this and do something about it! We’re way too careless and if this continues we’re gonna lose our beautiful planet, and I promise I’ll do my best and follow these steps to save our earth! LoVeD tHiS pOsT! ❤️


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